Kimberly Saunders Randall - Soprano



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Performance Reviews

Red Line


Review of recital in Xi-an, China

The performance was totally unforgettable …The singer was Kimberly Saunders Randall, who has glorious golden hair, a charming smile and a beautiful voice.  All the audience was attracted to her graceful temperament and perfect performance…Every person was totally intoxicated by her amazing vocal art.
– Xi’an Daily News

Review of The Creation with the Elgin [Illinois] Choral Union:

Singularly and in duets, and with the chorus, Kimberly Randall’s soprano gave a wondrous Eve filled with the magic of creation and all around her.  Randall is also a fine import from Indiana and is married to Potter –what a fine musical house that must be.
 – Judy Reinert, Kane County Chronicle

Review of Handel’s Heroes and Heraldry with the Bach Festival:

The best may have been “Let the bright Seraphim,” from Samson, sung by the clear-voiced Randall, whose singing played nicely off the antiphonal responses of trumpeter Terry Rata.
 – Scott Warfield, Orlando Sentinal

Red Line

Testimonials [from parents, students, and colleagues]
Red Line

The Lady in Pink - an essay written [and used here with permission] by a Schmidt Competition [high school solo] competitor from Lexington, KY, after his experience working with Ms. Randall in a public Master Class. He is now a music major at DePaul University in Chicago, who says: "You were one of the pinnacles in making me want to pursue music!"

From Students' Parents

I have never seen a teacher both inspire her students and produce such a degree of improvement as thoroughly and rapidly as Ms. Randall.

…I witnessed Ms. Randall’s vibrant and dynamic teaching style and the profound effect she had on [our daughter], both personally and professionally.

Kimberly Randall is an outstanding teacher and mentor. She expects excellence from her students, inspires them to work for excellence in themselves, and shows them how to achieve their goals. The bottom line is, she gets results.

Kimberly Randall is a kind, caring, knowledgeable, dedicated professional. She inspired [my daughter] not only in her teaching style but by setting an example as a performer…and she is a wonderful singer.

She is an inspiration to her students in so many ways, not just musically, but in life’s lessons in general. She teaches by example and shares her experience with them.

[My daughter] trusts her as a teacher and a mentor. Kimberly Randall cares about her students and they know it.

[My daughter] has had some amazing singing opportunities over the years she has been working with Ms. Randall…[who] always looks for opportunities for her students.

I was fortunate to meet Ms. Randall at a Florida Vocal Association District Solo and Ensemble competition when she was adjudicating my daughter. [That fall, she worked with Ms. Randall at UCF, and]…I was amazed at the growth of my daughter’s knowledge of vocal technique, her poise as a performer and her all around musicianship.

We first came to know Kimberly while attending an FVA Solo & Ensemble competition in January 2006. She provided incisive, constructive feedback to each student. My husband, who has a rich singing background…was very impressed with Kimberly’s professional appearance, demeanor, pedagogy and strong interest and advocacy for her students.

Under Kimberly’s tutelage, [my daughter] has received Superior scores in both local and state competitions. She has received many solos and lead roles in both school and community musicals and chorus productions…straight Superiors at the Thespian Competition…selected to sing at graduation…recipient of the chorus award college scholarship, [and admission to]…the highly selective vocal performance program at FSU.

Ms. Randall represents the best qualities we were looking for in college instruction; again, not only her academic credentials, but also her outstanding character and her enthusiastic demeanor that inspires students.

We counted the hour’s drive there and back as a small price to pay in order to insure quality instruction.

I just wanted to let you know that we are ALREADY hearing improvement in Kim’s vocal ability. I am amazed that you have gotten through to her in such a short time. You should be very proud.

From Music Professionals – Choral & Choir Directors, Voice Teachers, Accompanists

She is amazingly knowledgeable in all aspects of the human voice and knows what to do to help her students in all areas of their singing. She knows what to do to “fix” their vocal problems large and small. I have seen all of her students improve through the years – most in dramatic ways.

I have been a professional accompanist for 25 years and have accompanied for students of many voice teachers (and instrumental teachers), and I honestly feel that Kimberly Randall is the very best voice teacher of all of them.

Ms. Randall also is an amazing linguist and helps her students as they sing in all languages. Her students not only know the notes, but every world they are singing.

I know for a fact that some students have come to UCF just because of her.

Ms. Randall is always encouraging towards her students. She cares deeply about them – not just their singing, but them as people.

Ms. Randall agreed to hold a clinic with my church choir…The hours that she spent with my choir were priceless. Countless church congregants report to me the significant progress our choir has made.

With regard to my own passion for singing, it has grown exponentially over these past couple of years…I now have three voice students of my own! The ripple effect that Ms. Randall has had is infinite. I have been able to instill much passion of singing into my high-school aged and adult students.

The impact she has made in the central Florida area is so expansive, it is simply too much to detail…The professional, ethical, academic and human qualities that Ms. Randall possesses are second to none.

Kimberly Randall has been a wonderful influence upon the vocal music society in Central Florida…I was so impressed with Kimberly Randall’s work [as an adjudicator/clinician for FVA] that I decided to take voice lessons from her.

Ms. Randall put me at ease. During that first lesson I could see and hear improvement. I have been able to apply the vocal techniques that I learned from her to my classroom.

I can honestly say, Kimberly Randall turned my life around. In a few short lessons, she was able to clarify vocal stumbling blocks I had been dealing with for years, and through her help, she has made me a better vocal teacher.
She is an outstanding singer/performer…The Orlando vocal community is fortunate to have such a rare talent to be inspired by.

The progress I saw my own students make while studying with Kimberly was substantial, and all of the students we shared received shining remarks and the highest ratings at the Florida Vocal Association’s assessments.

Kimberly has received glowing feedback from Orange County music teachers after serving as an adjudicator for our district solo and ensemble festivals. S he is a very highly respected and sought after vocal authority which UCF has been lucky to call their own. Unlike some other judges we have hired in the past, Kimberly always used concise and effective ways to enhance our students’ vocal production while being warm and considerate with her words; understanding that working with teenagers is a very delicate practice. She won over many high school juniors and seniors along with their parents after last year’s assessments.

My progress with Kimberly in only one year of lessons far surpasses the progress I made when I was an undergraduate music student.

Kimberly’s is a name that will continue to sound around Central Florida as a pillar of vocal technique and performance.

[At Shenyang Conservatory in China] Ms. Randall’s beautiful voice, refined musicianship, and eloquent interpretation won everybody’s heart, and the students were fighting for a spot to sing in her master classes following the performance. Her teaching was equally impressive, as she could pinpoint the students’ problems and was able to help them in the most effective way. She demonstrated her knowledge with a good sense of humor, and her charming personality shined through those intelligent words… People still miss Kimberly in China.

In April of 2008, Ms. Randall judged vocal solos at the State Music Performance Adjudication. Again, I heard nothing but rave reviews for her work.

Several of the districts have been impressed enough with Ms. Randall that they have invited her back to the district for master class or workshop experiences with their students.

Thank you thank you thank you for being our fabulous clinician. The kids were raving about how much they learned and all the breakthroughs they had! You are such a great teacher! I was sad I couldn’t be there to learn from you myself.

Thank you so much for your work last night with my students…You truly a “Pro”! Not only do you work so well with high school age kids and you are able to connect with them in authentic ways…

I have so appreciated the time and passion you have invested in the Lake Howell Chorus program this year. It has made a great difference in the vocal growth and growth of their young souls.

Well to start off I just think you are way too fabulous and deserve an honorary doctorate from everywhere!!

Your work with the kids was terrific and made a lasting impression on many.

From Students

In working with world-renowned teachers and coaches throughout my training, I have yet to find someone as effective and dedicated as Kimberly. She has trained with a few of the most highly regarded teachers in the business. What makes her different from other teachers who make this claim is that she actually remembers what they taught her.

I am doing fantastic!! Ever since I switched my major to Music I haven't been able to stop smiling!! I should have listened to you at FVA when you told me right of the bat that I should be in music. I am so excited to work with you again; in just 10 minutes you taught me so much and got such a big sound out of me. It was spectacular…

She has a depth of information that she tailors to each student. I don’t receive the “lesson of the week” or “the new gimmick that they read about that weekend.” She truly listens to your singing and makes extremely educated decisions about how to improve your talent.

After a year of working with Ms. Saunders-Randall, I have experienced monumental changes in my voice. She has taken me from the graduate level to the professional level in my performance and my practice habits.
Kimberly is not just a teacher to her students, but is also a friend, therapist, and colleague. She is a wonderful life advisor and understands that sometimes in order to fix your musical issues; you must first get past your personal ones.

Ms. Randall has been an exceptional professor and vocal coach. After only a semester of study with Ms. Randall, my voice had improved light years.

She creates fun and interesting ways for her students to produce sound properly. She is able to modify her teaching to students, depending on their trouble areas.

By studying with Ms. Randall, I have learned many life lessons that will carry me through whatever I endeavor. I have experienced the benefit of hard work and daily practice as I accomplish goals…

I could not have had a more wonderful professor.

When I look back at how I was when I started, and how much I’ve improved up until now, I can hardly believe how far I have come. Ms. Randall laid down a solid foundation for me to keep building up my singing skills upon.

Ms. Randall has been an ongoing inspiration to my singing career and my life. She has not only been the best vocal teacher I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, she has also become my mentor, my counselor and personal friend.

In the past year, she has taught me techniques and pedagogue that I never dreamed I would be learning. She constantly inspires us as speaks with an uncanny understanding and knowledge of music.

During one particular lesson, she literally gave me a 15-minute anatomy lecture on every muscle, organ and internal part that is working while I’m singing…I was astonished at how intelligent she was and found myself wishing I would someday achieve the same level of knowledge and understanding of what makes great singers.
I had taken voice lessons for many years prior to my instruction by Ms. Randall. However, I can confidently state that I heard my voice for the first time while working with her.

The greatest improvement in my singing occurred during this [difficult personal] time, because she was able to teach me to catch my balance and even use what I was experiencing toward my performance. I could never express enough gratitude to her for the endless support and mentoring.

I have used Ms. Randall’s techniques and her compassion as a blueprint that has continued to assist my students…[She] always expressed her highest expectations…providing a challenge to achieve the next level of performance, musicality, and content.

I am so proud to say that Ms. Randall taught me to sing and teach, but more importantly learn to use my voice across genres…She is truly one of the most inspirational and genuine people I’ve ever met, and I am eternally grateful for her guidance.

I am forever indebted to Professor Randall for going beyond the standard pedagogical formulae for correct vocal production and instead focusing on the emotional problems that inhibited my performance. I doubt another teacher would have been so insightful or as willing to work on the emotional aspect of my voice.

I have no doubts that I would not have progressed as far as I have in so short a time if I did not have Professor Randall always pushing me to be better than I thought I could be.

As a student, I always knew that she was looking out for my best interests and was always there for me…She always went above and beyond the standard.

Ms. Randall was able to shape my voice, raise my confidence, and teach me the fundamentals of vocal practice…The confidence I gained in myself as a singer and a musician is incalculable.

Her unique ability to communicate ideas allows me to understand vocal concepts in ways I never could before.
It’s unbelievable to look back on my singing prior to Ms. Randall and to see how much I’ve improved. I almost wouldn’t believe it, but I can see…all of Ms. Randall’s dedicated students have equal improvement. In telling friends about her, I always joke and call her a “miracle worker.”

Since studying with Kimberly, it amazes me how much I’ve accomplished. I won a National Anthem competition to open a Joan Jett concert…I took second place in my division for last year’s NATS competition, and am now performing professionally with Classic Albums Live.

I can honestly say, if it weren’t for Ms. Randall, I would never have survived my first three semesters of college.

In the 5 years before Ms. Randall, I never grasped that single concept [about phrasing and structure]. That first day, everything clicked and I was hooked on her.

She was completely fabulous, energetic, funny and not afraid to push me beyond my limits.

I have learned so much about life, self-confidence, teaching and singing from Ms. Randall. Most of the techniques that she has used in our lessons, I use in my classroom when I teach and I cannot imagine what kind of a person I would be without having her in my life.

I came with minimal understanding of the workings of the voice and body as an instrument. But through her instruction and guidance, and the experiences that she has opened up for us, such as workshops, performances, competitions and master classes I have gained so much more knowledge…

Taking voice with Kimberly has been literally, part of my therapy.

I have also seen her younger students blossom under her teaching. The tremendous progress made, and the confidence built into them as young singers, and as persons.

I feel that I have learned more in this semester, technically, than in four semesters at [my former college].

Kimberly has taught us: warmed up, positive, and ready to enjoy the experience of singing.

I hope this isn’t too cheesy, but I really do appreciate every day the guidance and inspiration you provided to me. I am so lucky to be doing something I am passionate about. You truly helped me to embrace the journey of finding my voice and myself. I can only hope to do the same for my students.

I have learned so much from you over the past four years and I will miss you like crazy when I am at FSU. From my very first voice lesson you have helped me grow from a fidgety child to a somewhat-less fidgety woman. I am so glad to have had you to teach me, not only about music, but about life.

I miss my lessons with you, whether they were about life or music. Keep up the good work; I know God uses you to touch the lives of so many.

It would be an honor to be taught by you in the near future; out of all the honor choirs I have been in over the years, I think out of the 10 minutes we had, I learned the most!

Ms. Randall is very good at changing philosophies and analogies for each of her students. [She is] very helpful inside and outside of her studio.

You are an amazing teacher! You always give us everything you have in order to help us.

She was amazing and funny. She really pushed us to the limit, but that made me happy.

She is so passionate about her teaching and it really makes us passionate about learning.

Ms. Randall is the most amazing teacher I have ever had! She is so quirky and peppy! She makes this class so much fun!

You are a fantastic teacher! Thanks for everything you have done for us!

I absolutely love Ms. Randall. She has my trust and my respect. She really is a good friend and confidante on top of being an excellent teacher. My singing has made so much progress thanks to her. She’s wonderful.

I learned more about singing this semester than I have in all the years of voice lessons!

Randall Voice Studio rocks!

Ms. Randall is knowledgeable, sweet and fun. She is persistent, not giving up on you and balancing encouragement with instruction.

I love Ms. Randall!

Best teacher I’ve ever had!

I thoroughly enjoy my lessons & I feel I’ve grown a lot as a singer & performer this semester.

She’s greatly enthused when I make substantial progress. She’s very encouraging.

Professor Randall brought a whole new world of singing to me. It was amazing the amount she could teach me. She’s an amazing teacher.

 I just wanted to give you a huge thanks for all the bunches of help you gave me with my voice. There is so much improvement! My voice teacher was amazed at the progress we made.

Ms. Randall is one of the best music teachers that I have had in over 10 years of music education. She cares about me as an individual, encourages me, and stresses practice. She has made my first semester in college very easy to get through.

Thank you for your lesson! Your lesson is the most excellent. I’ll remember your lesson and you! I love you very much!!

Ms. Randall…has made me more aware of how my body is involved in the singing process and has helped me start a more systematic way of practicing. Not only has she helped me musically, but she has also shown an interest in me as a person and what is going on in my life. I am lucky to have her as an instructor.

I learned tons and my voice has improved exponentially!

Ms. Randall helps me to see and strive to reach my potential. She is supportive and demands my best in every lesson/performance.

I have enjoyed every minute working with you and have appreciated all that you have done for my voice and performance. I have never felt this good singing – physically and mentally. I can honestly say you are the best voice teacher I have ever had.

I owe so much to you. I am forever grateful.

I just wanted to thank you for all that you did for me last week! I had so much fun and I learned a ton. My mom said she could hear the improvement in my voice in just a week.

I learned a ton! Love you, KSR!! You taught me to feel!

You are so great and you have taught me so much. I’m sure gonna miss you and your positive attitude.

Kimberly has been extremely encouraging, kind, helpful, and has been more of a friend than a professor! She has improved my singing abilities as well as helped me grow as a person!

I’ve learned quite a lot more about singing in this semester than in the last 5-6 year period. Thank you so much for teaching and helping me. Your firm beliefs about what singing should be like will always be my core guide to singing.

You were my favorite voice teacher ever and I really, really enjoyed our time together.

From Colleagues

Professor Randall’s teaching is one of impassioned interaction. In short, she knows her stuff and this is evidenced in her students’ steady progress. Furthermore, she is a caring teacher who, while demanding the best of her students and of herself, relates to the student as an individual. She stresses technique, proper breath management and ease of production. She is knowledgeable of the classical vocal literature as well as the Musical Theatre genre. She is witty, warm and conscientious and because she brings these marvelous characteristics to her teaching, her students thrive.

I’ve noticed Kimberly’s students were always well prepared for their performances. It is clear that her students have benefitted greatly from her experience as a singer and from her knowledge of healthy vocal production. Additionally, I am impressed with Ms. Randall’s ability to listen critically to her students. She is then able to give them specific techniques and insights to improve their overall presentation. From naturally talented students, to students just beginning, I have always heard consistent improvement from the students under her tutelage.

As I told both of them, they should rush home and hug you because I could never keep building unless they had already had the fantastic foundation!...Congrats to you –what great teaching!! Thanks for sending them my way.

Ms. Randall is an excellent voice teacher who nurtures and challenges her students while helping them to develop valuable vocal and musical skills. Her students are fortunate to have such an accomplished vocal artist/teacher. She is able to bring to them a view of the larger musical world. She shares her dedication to vocal excellence by judging solo and ensemble competitions and by working closely with colleagues to raise the level of singing in Central Florida.

